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#Meetthegravity9ers with Tom Maruszak


18 Nov 2020 | Emma Benham

Tom Maruszak: Leadership and Innovation at gravity9


When it comes to disrupting entire industries and building transformative customer experiences, you have to have an exceptional team that can build these products at pace.

Our team at gravity9 is just that; highly skilled, driven, passionate, and fun to work with!

We continue our Meet the gravity9ers series with the introduction of Tomasz Maruszak. 


What is your role at gravity9? 

My official job title is Solutions Architect, but I do a little bit of everything. I work with the client understanding their initial requirements and needs then suggesting possible solutions. However, the bit I really enjoy, and where it gets interesting, is creating and implementing the solution to solve their business problem.

I also work on internal innovation within gravity9, brainstorming directions and sharing ideas about what interesting things we can do to evolve the business.


What do you enjoy most about working at gravity9?

I really like being hands on, not only do I get to talk through and propose ideas but I get to deliver and actually create them. I also find the work at gravity9 isn’t boring its always interesting and challenging, which I really enjoy.


What one piece of advice would you give to someone starting out in your line of work? 

Don’t say no. Take advantage of any opportunity, even if it sounds overwhelming, just take it on and do your best as you never know where it could lead.


What can’t you start your day without? 

A nice cup of coffee and a really good cookie. That and playing with my boy in the morning.


What do you do in your spare time?  

Being a father, I don’t have as much spare time as I used to, not that I am complaining! There are a couple of things I do enjoy when I get the time, both based around IT. I like to spend time evolving my open-source framework and also creating and configuring IoT devices.  A couple of years ago I created my own device while I was learning about electronics.


What is the last movie you watched?  

I don’t really have that much time to watch movies at the moment but the last movie I watched was Inglorious Basterds, which I really enjoyed.


What special skill / talent do you have (other than what you do for a living)? 

I like to do home renovations myself; I enjoy getting involved in work around the home rather than brining in a contractor to improve the flat. I’m a real do it yourself person. Even with my car, I will watch some YouTube videos then have a go myself.


What would be your dream holiday?  

Going to Iceland for a couple of weeks, and really getting away from it all. Just off-roading, away from all the cities and the people, exploring enjoying the night sky and getting to see the Northern Lights, that would be wonderful.


What is the last song you had stuck in your head?

There is this song in particular I’ve had stuck in my head by MEZERG it’s called Welcome Theremin, it’s really fun to listen to.