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Digital Matters Podcast: The Incremental Steps to Start-Up Success with Sara Stephens


14 Oct 2021 | Emma Benham

Our Digital Matters podcast offers monthly discussions with leading digital innovators, thought leaders and industry disruptors who, like us, think differently when it comes to digital.

Hosted by: Partner, Andy Ross and Experience Director, Andy Newman.

In episode 16 of gravity9’s Digital Matters podcast, we welcome Sara Stephens Entrepreneur, Co-Founder and CTO of Rest Less, the digital organisation helping the over 50’s get more out of life. Rest Less offer content, guidance and resources on a range of topics spanning Work and Careers, Volunteering, Learning, Money, Health, Lifestyle and Relationships. Our Hosts Andy Ross and Andy Newman talk to Sara about her rapid rise to CTO, getting more women into digital roles and how the over 50’s are the perfect audience for a digital offering.

  • Females in digital roles, who are the female technology role models and how to drive more women into digital positions.
  • The big differences between working at large corporates and start up’s and how to make the transition, including connecting to the team, innovation, problem solving and the how wearing multiple hats.
  • The creative thinking and resourcefulness of start-up entrepreneurs and why it’s important to have a business support network.
  • How and why small organisations drive creativity and how large corporate can learn from the agility and creativity of start-ups to deliver business value faster.
  • How innovation comes in many forms and why it doesn’t always have to be the big ideas and why it’s important to share this with your team.
  • Getting your start up off the ground and knowing when to make the jump.
  • How the over 50’s demographic is changing and why Rest Less is consistently seeking to expand the content offering to their market – don’t stop making the small steps.


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