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The Single View Challenges: 3 Data Ownership


25 May 2021 | Emma Benham

How do you ensure governance and control over data after migrating to Single View? Data access HAS to be secure and controlled for Single View users. Moving data from disparate systems creates a large body of data that is available to consume. While this is useful, it also poses a business risk having too much information in one place.

The information stored within operational systems across organisations will have built in security, roles-based activities and viewer restrictions in order to protect the data. The data access for Single View solutions will stretch beyond internal organisation users into third parties, giving them greater power to use the data, but equally data control poses a challenge.

Can microservice design provide the answer to data ownership?

Operational aggregate stores are often the introduction of microservice design; a set of facades on top of the data can greatly improve the control and access patterns for data consumers. While there are many ways to define the granularity of microservices and their methods an effective approach is to utilise concepts and guidelines from domain driven design, specifically aligning services to bounded contexts within the business domain.

Providing access to your data via microservices is an extremely effective way of separating and drawing logical lines on top of the business. Separating out concerns and business areas allows greater definition and control over access, visibility and editing, centralising your auditable access policies.

Read our other blog posts on the Challenges of Single View on the Insights Page